Sunday, August 24, 2008

Johnny Rockets - Cold smell of death

Johnny Rockets
7507 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA

It was a hot day when me and some coworkers decided to stop by Johnny Rockets for lunch. After being seated outside I was glad to go into the air conditioned main restaurant to use the bathroom. The bathroom was located in the back near the kitchen and my first reaction after stepping inside and closing the door was "Aaahh! Nice and cool!" Unfortunately, the second thing I noticed was the smell. It was the very distinct, gagging smell of raw hamburger meat; cold and acidic. It was then I realized that the bathroom must share a wall with the meat locker! Sure enough, one of the walls was metal. Yum. Finally, the nail in the coffin for this bathrooom was that the sink was not located in the bathroom. There was a large cabniet on one of the far walls, so I thought "maybe its in there?" No. No sink. Confused, I stepped outside to find the sink around the corner, which was totally strange.
So there you have it. Great burgers, great shakes, queesy bathrrom


Albert said...

What kind of bathroom has the sink outside of the bathroom? Why not just put the toilet behind the counter while they're at it? I daresay that your vegetarianism made you speak out against the hamburger smell... I mean, who wouldn't want to sit down for a nice poo and burger? Hey, there's an idea; "Poo and Burger", where everyone eats on the pooper.

Robert Goodin said...

That's how I eat my 3:30 Caramello at work. It saves me time when I can combine my poo and food breaks.

mertzy said...

Walk This Way

I was in Johnny Rockets many years ago and Steven Tyler burst thru the door and said,"I gotta piss!". And then he went into the bathroom and took that piss. Or at least I assume he did. It's not like I watched. Or held it for him. Geeeeeez.

PotatoFarmGirl said...

This review was quite helpful. Please go back, suffer, and take photos though. We must see the evidence of this nefarious sink.

Jim said...

Agreed PFM,

I find my interest in bathroom review blogs much akin to flipping through the pages of US Weekly. Pictures first, editorial second.

That being said, very fine editorial. Thank you RRBB!